Saturday, January 13, 2007

Kudos to the 110th

Smart move in the right direction regarding denying pension benefits to those Senators who commit crimes connected to their service as Senators. Hopefully those in the House will adopt similar rules. Be sure to make both sets of rules "bullet proof". Remember that most of those who represent us are lawyers.

This is a good start item - I'd also like to see substantial rules changes on earmarks. I'm not against earmarks, just against the secrecy of the current process. Place all future earmarks into the light of day. Make sure that earmark sponsorship is made totally transparent. Then be sure to watch for backroom deals - "I'll sponsor your earmarks, if you sponsor mine".

Friday, January 12, 2007

Pizza Patron Pesos

The banks (competition) might have an issue, but everyone else should not. Pizza Patron could actually make/lose money on the exchange rate. It a business decision, this is not anti-American. This is not illegal. This has nothing to do with the illegal alien debate. FYI, some people trade currencies like stocks and bonds - and they make money doing so

I have got pesos from my most recent trip to Mexico (legal, of course) Usually I just keep any remaining pesos until my next trip. However, I might be tempted to use them, if more businesses accepted pesos.

Any international airport has a money exhange booth. With the Internet and access to exhange rates, the risk of "exchanging" currencies is made less risky to the acceptors. Risk still remains to those offering pesos in payment of pizzas - caveat emptor!

Nationalism and bigotry are not helpful in the discussion regarding illegal immigration.

Minimum Wage - Meaningful, Purposeful Policy OR Just Plain Politics?

Can't help but think that the reason why current minimum wage legislation has little opposition is that it will have very little impact, except as a source of talking points. "I'm for the poor people". "We're doing it for the children!"

I'm hoping that those who are putting this legislation forward will be indicating how the citizens can measure the performance of the minimum wage legislation. Something like: Reducing the number of people living below the poverty level by x%. If all this legislation does is make people feel better, without improving the economy and the stauts of citizens...why are we going to do it?

If it's just feel good legislation, at least be honest about it. It helps a very few people, mostly high school kids, but it makes some legislators feel good.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Iraq's New Direction

The President outlined the actions he intends to take in Iraq and the reasons for it. Based upon Senator Durbin's response it appears that the Congressional leadership intends to have Congress talk about the President's intentions and then pontificate about it.

If Senator Durbin and the Congressional leadership feel that it is not in the best interest of the Country, I urge them to take some action. Senator Kennedy suggested cutting off funding for the additional troops. Seems a reasonable approach if one feels strongly that the President's intentions as outlined Wednesday night are wrong.

The voters elected those in Congress to represent them. If Congress think that the voters are against the President's plan and intention, Congress should take the action necessary to stop the President from carrying out his plan.

Hopefully Congress won't just pass a resolution that says that they don't approve of the President's intention for Iraq. It would be as meaningless as passing a resolution: Proclaiming February - National Cheese Month.

Congress by all means deliberate, debate and talk, but follow it up with some intestinal fortitude inspired action.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Am I a Geek?

The gadget fests taking place in Las Vegas (Consumer Electronic Show) and San Francisco (MacWorld) have me mesmerized.

If I were rich enough I'd get one in each of in each of the major categories. Since I'm not rich, I think I'm going to look for a high end MP3 player with WiFi. Not the Zune (not enough WiFi capability). Not the iPhone (I've got a phone and not interested in that much Internet connectivity). But definitely, I should have that MP3 player in the next few weeks.

Ok....I think I'm also going to look into "Living Room" server. It has to have WiFi capability and it has to be able to do wireless HD video. Based upon what I've seen so far at CES and MacW, I should have some time to save up for this server.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Debate on Iraq

This is the way the Federal government with its check and balances is suppose to function.

The President is elected to lead...establishes direction and action

The Congress should then debate the direction and action and take legislative action. If a majority agrees with the President - they should move on to the next item on the Legislative agenda. If a majority strongly disagrees with the President Congress should cut off funding.

If all the Congress wants to do is debate and disagree.....they are not participating in the government but rather just taking up our time and our space in the Capitol. They should be accused and suspected of playing politics.

I'm looking forward to the President's speech on Wednesday evening. As well as, the debate in Congress that should begin on Thursday morning and conclude by Saturday evening with agreement/disagreement and decisive action.

Checks and Balances NOT Whine and Posture.

Monday, January 08, 2007


Faith is a personal relationship with a supernatural entitiy or entities. Its natural to want to share a satisfying relationship with others.

When two or more people gather together to celebrate their individual relationship with the supernatural they cross into the realm of religion. As the group gets larger, humanity (less than supernatural) takes over and the group becomes an "organized" religion.

Problems begin when groups of people who believe that they have exactly the same personal relationship find out that they don't and splits and schisms begin.

The situation gets even worse when some religions think their relationship and/or organization is "better" than the expressed relationship and/or organization of others.

With years of separation and contempt the differences can and often devolve into prejudice, hate and violence.

There is a way back - focus on your personal relationship and allow others to have their own personal relationship. This would apply equally to those who may be within your religion or individual organization and those who are in other religions or church. But also to those who choose not to have a relationship with a supernatural entity or those who don't believe that a supernatural entity exists.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Which First 100 Hours?

Speaker Pelosi....point of order. I'm trying to keep an accurate score on the US legislative branch. Want to measure legislative performance based upon the goals of the Dems, GOP and also upon the benefits that passed and signed legislation extends to the US public.

Wondering how much time has lapsed on the Legislative clock began ticking at 12pm EST, Thursday, January 4, 2007? Has it been 24 hours or something less? If less, how many hours in the legislative day and week?

Concerned because 24 hours, represents 24%, of the 100 hour target, yet no legislation has been passed. It seems that the 110th Congress is not performing well against your goals.

Also would like to recommend a scoring system for the 110th Congress. It would be nice to see the updated running score published each and every day on the home page at

  • No points (sorry) for resolutions nor legislation referred to committee.
  • No points for House rules changes. {Kudos will be given for rules followed]
  • 1 point for legislation passed in House
  • 1 point for legislation passed in Senate
  • 4 points for legislation sent to Executive Branch for signature
  • 10 points for legislation signed by President
  • Total points will be divided by total number of "laws" signed by the President. This will act somewhat like an index.

Good luck!

Friday, January 05, 2007


The impact of the PCs and the Internet on communications has been great.

The Apple PC entered the market in 1976, the IBM PC in 1981. However, these are other notables before them. Personal computer junkies will also recall fondly the Altair 8800, RadioShack and Commodore PCs which were the ones used and built upon by Gates and Wozniak.

The Internet became available to the public (first in the US) about 1994. But, it grew from a network of computers operated in support of the US Department of Defense, Energy, State, etc.

The citizens of the world like the increased communications ability and information availability made possible by the PC and Internet. Governments and the mainstream media who had a near monopoly on information are adjusting reluctantly to regular citizens possessing greater access and near instantaneous communications.

Thursday, January 04, 2007


Today begins the first 100 hours and the first 100 days of the 110th Congress.

Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Reid are responsible for leading the 110th Congress to provide legislation for the American people and oversight of the Executive, Judicial and Legislative (themselves) branches.

The American Public should not be rate Congressional performance against what the Dems
or GOP say should be accomplished. Rather we should judge the performance of the 110th based upon what they accomplish on behalf of the American people.

I wish them well and God's speed.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Debate Idea for Political Discourse

Here's my idea for creating a dialogue regarding issues of importance to the 2008 Presidential election. It involves discussing ideas and not candidates. Some potential candidates may decide to participate. Those who are campaigning rather than debate will stand out like sore thumbs.
First step will be to make a list of debate propositions, i.e. Resolved: A Single Payer Program should be established for the US to solve the Healthcare issues.

A Board (no current or former politician, please) would be created to evaluate topics and decide participants for each of the "debates". These can be individual or team debates.
Publish a listing (on a website) of the "debates" and solicit persons and brief resumes of those who wish to be considered for participation. Collect a list of people who want to debate topics.

The board would also establish all the ground rules, time, etc. for the "debates". Instead of having these debates on broadcast or cable TV have them on line in real time. They could also be recorded for airing a later dates. Broadcast or cable TV could if they wish air these debates with commercials.

Online forums would be a natural after each debate for further discussion.

Donations could be solicited online to pay for production and broadcast costs. Ask Gates/Buffett and Soros if they'd like to donate some money to the project. And offer advertising to potential sponsors.

This has got to be better than letting the political parties and 527's decide the discourse for the 2008 elections. Try and keep Congress out of the debates, because they have enough on their plate to pass necessary legislation.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Globalization Reactions

China and India decided to participate in the world economy for a share of the world markets. But many years prior to "turning on" their economies; these two countries were educating their then future and now current generations. [They have been excelling at education performance for years.]

Now they are exploiting the greatest resource that any nation, state, city, corporation, or small business has - the dedication, inspiration and perspiration of their people. They will not fade soon, but the stories and tremendous growths will slow to more normal levels.

Other countries in the years to come will also choose to participate. The emerging Eastern European countries will likely be the big story of 2007. Individually they will not match the revenues and trades figures of China nor India did in 2005-2006, but collectively they might. Beyond 2007, look to Central and South America.

Nationalism and protectionism are natural reactions to this economic competition, however these temptations should be avoided. Those who believed that America was going to be world's economic engine for ever and ever, forgot what it takes to make any economy excel.

America became an economic power in the same manner that China and India are doing it currently. It is also the way in which America can compete again with others in the world economy - through Dedication, Inspiration and Perspiration.

President Gerald Ford

Thanks for your many different services to our country. Rest in peace.

Monday, January 01, 2007