Thursday, November 30, 2006

Leaky Government

Those that leak US classified information are not whistle blowers, nor patriots.  Whether they leak info for or against themselves, they are spineless.  Unwilling to speak openly, engage in civil disobedience and/or use the "system" to deal with alleged improprieties. Those that leak information because they disagree with policy, where no improprieties exist, is even more abhorrent.

Some in the Media enables the leaks in their lust for ratings and a chance to be part of taking a shot at those in power. Publishing the information given the media is not a crime. However, withholding information about the sources of information released illegally should not be automatically shielded.

If the courts, review the circumstances and deem the release of certain information illegal they should reveal the sources or be held in contempt of the court.

More open, civil disobedience, less sneaky, spineless leaking.


Unknown said...
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B. K. O'K said...

This is kind of a sticky issue. I agree with the point about policy disagreements...that is pretty unabiguously wrong.

But in the case of fraud and other criminal activity, then I don't think leaking is automatically illegal. To draw a corporate example, whistleblowers at corporate fraudsters often release confidential information to sources that have no legal right to know it. There is, however, an "ends justify the means" element to it. (Slipper slope noted...)

As for the reporters, there are certain activities that are illegal and they have to know that. It is illegal to leak sealed court testimony, for example...and all Americans should know a reporter that writes it is complicit in the law-breaking. However, no reporter is bound by the internal rules of a government agency or by the charter of a corporation.

Civis Ordinarius said...

Just to be clear, not suggesting that reporters be punished for leaking. Only that in cases decided by a Judge that they must reveal their sources or pay the price of civil disobedience.