Saturday, April 18, 2009

How Many Czars can fit in the WH?

(zär, tsär) n.
  1. Also tsar or tzar (zär, tsär) A male monarch or emperor, especially one of the emperors who ruled Russia until the revolution of 1917.
  2. A person having great power; an autocrat: "the square-jawed, ruddy complacency of Jack Farrell, the czar of the Fifteenth Street police station" - Ernest Hemingway.
  3. Informal An appointed official having special powers to regulate or supervise an activity: a racetrack czar; an energy czar.
Fairly certain, the Obama administration does not intend to appoint Czar's to operate under definition #1. Don't really know yet, whether all the Czars/Czarinas being appointed will be operating under definition #2 or #3. Maybe a combination of both. Regardless, it is disconcerting that there are going to be so many. Counselors, insulators, hired scapegoats, cover for the fact that most of the Secretaries are merely bureaucrats/politicos who know little about running business/projects/etc.?

Congress should call these Czars into their committee meetings, either right before or right after the Secretaries testify. The American people are entitled to know what the Czars and Czarinas think and do.


the Grit said...

Hi CO,

Better, I think, to ask how many Czars it takes to change a light bulb? The answer, of course, is that no amount of Government waste is too great if it only gets one citizen to replace an evil incandecent bulb with a good, mercury filled, low energy one.

the Grit

Ron Ballew said...

I'm wondering when we'll get a Kaiser.