Sunday, February 15, 2009

What Americans Want from Our Leaders.....

....Leadership and Action.  Political parties have a tendency to think that Americans want them to be "in charge".  Both parties look for confirmation, spin current events, handout taxpayer bonuses (earmarks) and make promises for the next term to convince the Americans and reassure themselves that they are in charge and/or are relevant.  These political parties spend much time and money trying to convince Americans that change Americans should make is in the number of Democrats or Republicans that are in the Legislature, Executive and Judiciary branches.
However, Americans, don't want either political party "in charge".   Americans want leadership and pragmatic action to solve problems and provide for the common defense.  Americans will and should judge our leadership and their actions by watching for and evaluating results.  Americans must be careful not to confuse rhetoric with action, nor hopeful promises with action.  Americans want leaders who take stands and action.  The mistakes of leaders will be taken as honest efforts (action) towards stated goals.  Political dithering and finger pointing over mistakes will not be tolerated for long periods of time.
The American government has by design and law: three branches.  Often the "press" is mentioned as a fourth, unofficial branch.  From the Judiciary, Executive and Legislatives branches Americans should look for and demand - leadership and action.  From our media - all the facts and unbiased analysis of the other three branches.  These are the areas of which Americans are looking for and hoping for change. 
Two years for Representatives, four years for Presidents and six years for Senators is more than enough time to judge leadership and "action" performance.  If performance is not there - its time for another change of leadership, which leads to real or different action.

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