Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Poll Watchers in the WH

There was the AIG bonus flare-up, now the backing down to Merkel on European stimulus.
Two examples to confirm that the Obama administration watches the populist polls to tailor the day's message.  Therefore, the populist has some power to exert here.  Lots of protest (non-violent, of course) will have an impact.  It will be necessary to overcome the media bias and swooning for the Obama administration.   Principled patience and persistence can triumph.
The only concern is that there seems to be no impact, yet, on Obama administration policy.  Only the msg.  Protest follow-through will be required to push the administration past their breaking point/commitment point.  If the protests let up, their msg will reverse and the current policy will go forward.


the Grit said...

Hi CO,

The bonus flap was just a distraction for the liberals to let the news cycle pass over their massive spending. It's an ancient political trick that is responsible for building our Capital in a remote swamp. Remember that in those days the news cycle lasted for months instead of days or hours, so a longer delay in reporting was necessary for it to work.

the Grit

Civis Ordinarius said...

They are using the Emanuel Crisis Management (ECM) Plan - they are taking advantage of the crisis and little else. Not good!

During the last 10 yrs everyone was focused on getting a big screen TV. Now, in despair, they are HOPING that Obama is "the One" - rather than keeping their eye on their remaining assets that the administration has their eyes on.

the Grit said...

Hi CO,

I have my attention focused elsewhere as well. Now that we the people own GM, I'm trying to figure out which free car I want.

the Grit