Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A Red Herring, Populist BS

So, the President and Congress are all pissed off about the AIG bonuses.

First of all they signed off on them. Secondly, they represent only 0.1% ($165M/$170B) of the total of the bailout. On the other hand, earmarks in the Omnibus Bill amounted to 1.2% ($5B/$410B). We were told by Washington politicians that the earmarks were only 1.2% of the total, ergo a mere nit. So the nit of the nit is a bigger deal than the nit - Red Herring!! Populist BS!

Why aren't our politicians being honest and consistent?

Why isn't our media, the intrepid 4th Estate, doing this analysis and asking these questions?

Who's on the side of the American people?

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