Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Poll Watchers in the WH

There was the AIG bonus flare-up, now the backing down to Merkel on European stimulus.
Two examples to confirm that the Obama administration watches the populist polls to tailor the day's message.  Therefore, the populist has some power to exert here.  Lots of protest (non-violent, of course) will have an impact.  It will be necessary to overcome the media bias and swooning for the Obama administration.   Principled patience and persistence can triumph.
The only concern is that there seems to be no impact, yet, on Obama administration policy.  Only the msg.  Protest follow-through will be required to push the administration past their breaking point/commitment point.  If the protests let up, their msg will reverse and the current policy will go forward.

Monday, March 30, 2009

I'm Going to EuroDisney!

I'm punting on the Auto Bailout at this time, giving them more time to develop a "plan" to bailout the UAW.  As a consolation, I offer you the head of CEO Waggoner.
And now, I'm off to EuroDisneyland!!

Auto Bailout or Meddling?

One of the oft stated reasons for bailing out the big Three in Detroit is to maintain a viable US auto industry, intimating that it was a matter of "national security".  Then why is the government suggesting that Fiat, a foreign company, buy a large portion of Chrysler?
CEO Waggoner may have needed to go, but with all their political and communication savvy, why did Obama administration not make this happen quietly and without making it look like the administration is trying to run GM?
The government is looking to be more and more on the wrong side of the solution - Let any auto companies in trouble go into bankruptcy.  There is already a system/process to take care of situations like this.  The view that the governments involvement is exclusively trying to maintain the viability of the UAW is gaining momentum.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

US Responsible for Mexico Drug Violence?

Sec. Clinton's admonishment that the US's drug habit/demand makes us somewhat responsible for the drug cartel violence in Mexico, has some validity.
After all, if had not been for Pres. Clinton staining that blue dress, it is very unlikely that Hillary would have become Senator or Secretary of State.  Therefore, Pres. Clinton like the US drug habit/demand, bears responsibility for a negative outcome.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Here Comes the Taxes

Seems like all the concern about the Obama admininistration raising taxes across the board have been nudged in that direction.  There administration is looking for more tax revenue sources and the Dems in Congress are denying the Obama administration the requested middle class tax cuts.  A consequence or a plan?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I'm Mad As Hell......

The clip from from the movie, "Network", where the newscaster says, "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!" is being used quite a bit to punctuate the anger the public feels over AIG, in particular, and the bank bailouts, in general. 
However, the movie was actually about how media is putting out blather, pabulum and making us mad as hell.  So....don't forget to apply some of your current anger to the media and the Congress.

Leadership = Vision + Management + Action

Obama administration gets:
   C-  for Vision 
   B-  for Mgmt
+ for Action
   D  for Leadership

Monday, March 23, 2009

Market Likes the US Treasure Plan?

The Dow Jones Industrial Index ("stock market") was up almost 500 points today.  Some are saying that is because the "market" likes the US Treasury plan to rid the financial system of toxic debt.
If that is true - what does the "market" like about it.  And if we are to believe President Obama, Speaker Pelosi, Rep Frank, et al - the "market" liking the plan is not a good thing.  The "market" is greedy and self-serving.  If the "market" likes the plan, then the "market" is probably seeing another opportunity to make money or avoid costs.  Money which, of course, would come from taxpayers - which according to PO, SO and RP are Americans who make above $250K per annum.  I guess that makes taxpayers a new minority, who are being exploited in America.

AIG and Campaign Finance Reform

The whole AIG fiasco had brought up once again the issue of campaign financing.  [Notice that everything that almost everything that goes wrong in Washington D.C. invariably has as a root cause or corollary - campaign financing, point out the need for reform.]
McCain-Feingold didn't do it.  Here's something that will:
  • Only individual contributions
  • No limits
  • Transparency - 100 percent, real time
  • Stiff penalties for fraud and collusion
  • Make it apply to Candidates and all registered political organizations that collect campaign funds.
PACs and Unions will whine a lot, indicating that the rich will dominate the elections.  BS - Does the name George Soros ring a bell?   If everyone that donates has to indicate/report when, how much and to whom.  Two things are going to happen:
  1. Campaign contributions will go down - cause the people who enabled to currently "hide" their contributions will no longer be able to do so.  If campaign contributions go down - this will more adversely effect the incumbents.   They'll have to work harder to get re-elected, having to be more honest with their constituents.
  2. We'll know exactly who is contributing and how much.  Public outrage will "police" the candidates and the contributors.  Impeachments will probably increase initially as "crooked" candidates will try to "game" the new reform.  It will only last about one election cycle.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Another Puff Piece

If Steve Kroft of 60 Minutes on CBS had been interviewing the CEO of CitiBank or AIG, I'm sure that it would have been very different interview than the one this week with President Obama.
All softballs and not even pitched but rather teed up.  I fear that a continued lack of pressing President Obama by the media and the so called "loyal opposition" will not serve the Obama administration nor the American people.  President Obama is no doubt an intelligent person.  He's to quite capable intellectually of handling criticism and "hardballs".   His leadership skills needs to be exercised for the good of Mr. Obama and the good of America.

Congressional Bonuses

If the taxpayers provide a salary for Representatives and Senators to legislate on our behalf - any amount of compensation (other than government supplied and sanctioned expense reimbursements) should probably be considered bonuses.
I'd like to see some figures by member of Congress.  Let's start with the following basics:
  1. Net Worth before first term
  2. Total Congressional Compensation received during service in Congress
  3. Current Net Worth
From these figures Bonus would equal Item 3 minus Item 1 minus Item 2.  Wouldn't want our government representatives to be getting rich on the backs of taxpayers.
Maybe Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Reid could post these figures on the Thomas.gov website.  After all, all of these Representatives and Senators paid by the taxpayers.  If its good enough for the AIG.......

Flip Flop?

The same Congressional Budget Office that was correct when it came up with different forecast numbers than the Bush Administration, NOW is wrong when it comes up with different forecasts than the Obama Administration.

Speaking from the Heart

Everyone knows and observes that President Obama uses a teleprompter very often - for even the most mundane venue.

Who writes all those speeches to put up on the teleprompter? If President Obama - that is an awful amount of time that could be spend leading the nation. If others, then they are by proxy leading the nation with their ideas.

I hope President Obama breaks his addiction with the teleprompter. We need desperately leadership that speaks from the heart. Not intellectually minded, polished, poll prompted, campaign styled speeches, but rather leadership that speaks from the heart.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Oppps.....The Spin Meisters will have to Work this Weekend

Congressional Budget Office (CBO) issued a report that that the Obama Administration painted a rosy picture that CBO does not agree with.   The deficit in their humble opinion will be much larger.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

A Book Deal Already?

Seems the President Obama has already signed a book deal for a children's book.

He's been in office less than 100 days. Has gone on Tonight Show. Has filled out his picks for the NCAA brackets. What is this guy all about? Does not appear that his number one priority is leading the nation.

Divulging Compensation of Government Employees

AG Cuomo is being slightly disingenuous when he indicates that if "the government owns" AIG, then the public entitled to know each employees pay like "the government" does.  No company does that except for the officers of a public company.  And the only compensation I've every seen for government employees is for those at the highest level.
As far as AG Cuomo's assertion......I searched and could not find a webpage for the State of New York that lists ALL state employees and their compensation.  Perhaps there is an address I can send a request for this information.
For heavens sake.....get back to work and quit playing partisan, populist politics!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

They Stepped in It

I don't think that they'll be able to "take" the money from the people who received the retention bonuses under their employment contract.

If they tell AIG to take it out of their profit. Government owns 80% of the company and therefore will feel the impact of 80% of the loss in profit.

Congress and the Executive Branch stepped it it. Now they are trying to blame the dog.

Fire - Aim - Ready?

Congress and the Obama seemed to have missed some things in the Stimulus, the Bailouts and the Omnibus.  And they are the things that they are whining and complaining about most vociferously now.  This is both an admonishment and an indictment for actually reading these bills before they are signed and made law.
This is another example of bad, emotional lead politics.  Let's get back to principled, thoughtful politics.  Please!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A Red Herring, Populist BS

So, the President and Congress are all pissed off about the AIG bonuses.

First of all they signed off on them. Secondly, they represent only 0.1% ($165M/$170B) of the total of the bailout. On the other hand, earmarks in the Omnibus Bill amounted to 1.2% ($5B/$410B). We were told by Washington politicians that the earmarks were only 1.2% of the total, ergo a mere nit. So the nit of the nit is a bigger deal than the nit - Red Herring!! Populist BS!

Why aren't our politicians being honest and consistent?

Why isn't our media, the intrepid 4th Estate, doing this analysis and asking these questions?

Who's on the side of the American people?

Friday, March 13, 2009

Real Optimism or Responding to Polls

President Obama has changed his economic tone.  Either he has finally gotten himself out of campaign mode OR he's responding to the Poll's and criticism from the Business community.  Neither one is reassuring and unfortunately, any other explanation seems implausible.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

A Second Stimulus?

Why?  Did the first Stimulus fail?  Per chance did the first Stimulus although it had a lot of spending in it, did not have enough simulative spending? 
Let's slow down.  The Obama administration seems to be taking its time to fill all the deputy spots at Treasury, let's take some time and analyze the stimulus already in the pipe line, then be open, honest and transparent.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I Don't Buy It!

The Obama administration is against increasing needlessly the deficit, however signs both Stimulus and Omnibus bills with plenty of "pork" in them both.  The increased deficit is promised to be cut in half, but this is only after it is doubled.  That leaves Americans right back where we started.  Progress?  Change?
And speaking of the Omnibus Bill. Lots of pork, just plain "pork".  But we're told that its ONLY 1% of the total and its bipartisan.  Regrettably, that one percent is approximately $8B, that's $8,000,000,000,000 OR $18,390,804,598 per US Representative OR $26,144 per American citizen.  And that's just the 1% pork.  1% sounds insignificant, but its not. 
Voters should start considering ONLY representatives who are not currently serving.  And by all means lets be bipartisan - replace incumbent from Party A with another person from Party A who represents the interests of Americans pocketbooks.  Our current representation seem to be ONLY interested in their re-election and the power to be garnered for their political party.  Don't fall for the BS that its "not me, its all the others" argument.  Just throw them all out.  Americans need to perform the responsibility that our Constitution lays out for us.  Vote on principle, not pedigree nor incumbency.

Monday, March 09, 2009

Transparency and Bipartisanship?

Apparently Secretary Geithner is meeting with House Democrats behind closed doors to brief them. What is the Secretary going to tell House Democrats that he can't say to the rest of us?

Wednesday, March 04, 2009


We are hearing much these days that the Obama administration is not responsible for the current economic situation the world finds itself in.  No argument there. 
The Obama administration does have responsibility for the impact of this situation to Americans and the duration of the negative impact. 
Time to step up.  Time to start living the rhetoric of the campaign with which the Obama team used to convince a majority of voters that they should lead the country. 

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Don't get me wrong.......

.....I like Tiger Woods.  He has a perfect swing and makes gold interesting.
But......don't our Reps in Congress have better things to do?
Mar 2, 2009 - Bill Action  Introduced: H.R. 1244: To provide for the award of a gold medal on behalf of the Congress to Tiger Woods, in...
Rep. Joe Baca [CA] introduced H.R. 1244: To provide for the award of a gold medal on behalf of the Congress to Tiger Woods, in recognition of his service to the Nation in promoting excellence and good sportsmanship, and in breaking barriers with grace and dignity by showing that golf is a sport for all people.

Monday, March 02, 2009

It's back to the Future

The Dow dropped below 7000.  It was last under 7K back in 1997.  That was before the Tech Bubble and during the Clinton administration.  What kind of change is that?  Are you better off then you were in 1997?  And the Obama administration indicates that it could very well get worse.  Are we talking 1930 worse?

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Border Security is Now an Issue to the Media

With all the concern about the Mexican drug cartels, the increase in violence just south of the border and the fear that that violence will spread more visibly north of the border.  So much so, that the Obama administration (Sec. Napolitano) indicates that a military surge would be a last resort and is in contingency planning.
I guess those that have been concerned for many years about US border security did in fact have a point that secure borders were important.  Those that criticized them for being merely anti-Hispanic should feel ashamed, but right now they are just whining about the increased violence and the threat it presents to the US.

New World Order?

The banks cause major problems in the financial and credit sectors - they get a bailout, i.e. money from the government.
Gaza allows crude missles to be aimed and fired at Israel - they get a bailout, i.e. money from the government.
The squeaky, destructive wheel gets the grease - is this the new world order of things?