Monday, March 23, 2009

Market Likes the US Treasure Plan?

The Dow Jones Industrial Index ("stock market") was up almost 500 points today.  Some are saying that is because the "market" likes the US Treasury plan to rid the financial system of toxic debt.
If that is true - what does the "market" like about it.  And if we are to believe President Obama, Speaker Pelosi, Rep Frank, et al - the "market" liking the plan is not a good thing.  The "market" is greedy and self-serving.  If the "market" likes the plan, then the "market" is probably seeing another opportunity to make money or avoid costs.  Money which, of course, would come from taxpayers - which according to PO, SO and RP are Americans who make above $250K per annum.  I guess that makes taxpayers a new minority, who are being exploited in America.

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