Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I Don't Buy It!

The Obama administration is against increasing needlessly the deficit, however signs both Stimulus and Omnibus bills with plenty of "pork" in them both.  The increased deficit is promised to be cut in half, but this is only after it is doubled.  That leaves Americans right back where we started.  Progress?  Change?
And speaking of the Omnibus Bill. Lots of pork, just plain "pork".  But we're told that its ONLY 1% of the total and its bipartisan.  Regrettably, that one percent is approximately $8B, that's $8,000,000,000,000 OR $18,390,804,598 per US Representative OR $26,144 per American citizen.  And that's just the 1% pork.  1% sounds insignificant, but its not. 
Voters should start considering ONLY representatives who are not currently serving.  And by all means lets be bipartisan - replace incumbent from Party A with another person from Party A who represents the interests of Americans pocketbooks.  Our current representation seem to be ONLY interested in their re-election and the power to be garnered for their political party.  Don't fall for the BS that its "not me, its all the others" argument.  Just throw them all out.  Americans need to perform the responsibility that our Constitution lays out for us.  Vote on principle, not pedigree nor incumbency.

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