Saturday, December 30, 2006

Hanged in the Balance

Saddam Hussein's execution is noteworthy for Iraqis, however anticlimactic for Americans. No doubt those Iraqis who suffered under the Hussein regime will experience: revenge, comfort, and finality.

Those in Iraq who are looking for a reason to be violent will be violent. Those in the world who always blame the US will blame the US.

This is a milestone for the Iraqi people and the Iraqi government and offers little for the US or the ROW (Rest of the World).

Watch the Iraqi government. This is an inflection point which can be leveraged by them to assert their sovereignty effectively. In the next few weeks, they'll make clear by their actions and/or inactions what they intend to do from this point forward. Their next steps will have great significance for the Middle East, the ROW and the US.

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