Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Trees and Menorahs in Seattle

Happy to see that Christmas trees have been returned to the SeaTac Airport after having been removed out of PC fear of a Menorah. NOW...allow Seattle's Jewish community to place a Menorah at the airport and celebrate the diversity of this "holiday" season.

If the Airport Authority wants to do something - write some sensible rules regarding the placing of things to celebrate the various secular and non-secular holiday celebrations throughout the year.

  • Indicate items that the Authority will place each year.
  • Develop a process to consider other items to be placed: 1) not at the cost of the Authority; 2) with limitations of quantity and location; 3) and limit participation to groups that can demonstrate a reasonable representation of membership within the communities serving the Authority.

Rather than denying them, let's reasonalbly celebrate the US's diversity of cultural and religious celebrations throughout the year.

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