Saturday, December 16, 2006

What's next - the LSG, PASG and SSG?

If the US decides to withdraw from Iraq prior to stabilizing the Government in Iraq, Congress had better commission the Study Groups for Lebanon, the PA and Somalia.

And have the Pentagon, develop plans further for dealing with a nuclear armed Iran. Then increase CIA funding to monitor the movement of nuclear materials out of the Middle East. Oh and since the "front" will be moving closer towards the US, Homeland Security should probably start developing plans to create a nuclear material shield around the US.

Withdrawing from Iraq without stabilizing the Iraqi government does not end the US problems, it only pushes out even bigger, future US problems.

1 comment:

B. K. O'K said...

They had better think about commissioning those studies anyway, because it doesn't look like staying there for any period of time is going to stabilize the government.