Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Debate on Iraq

This is the way the Federal government with its check and balances is suppose to function.

The President is elected to lead...establishes direction and action

The Congress should then debate the direction and action and take legislative action. If a majority agrees with the President - they should move on to the next item on the Legislative agenda. If a majority strongly disagrees with the President Congress should cut off funding.

If all the Congress wants to do is debate and disagree.....they are not participating in the government but rather just taking up our time and our space in the Capitol. They should be accused and suspected of playing politics.

I'm looking forward to the President's speech on Wednesday evening. As well as, the debate in Congress that should begin on Thursday morning and conclude by Saturday evening with agreement/disagreement and decisive action.

Checks and Balances NOT Whine and Posture.

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