Friday, January 12, 2007

Minimum Wage - Meaningful, Purposeful Policy OR Just Plain Politics?

Can't help but think that the reason why current minimum wage legislation has little opposition is that it will have very little impact, except as a source of talking points. "I'm for the poor people". "We're doing it for the children!"

I'm hoping that those who are putting this legislation forward will be indicating how the citizens can measure the performance of the minimum wage legislation. Something like: Reducing the number of people living below the poverty level by x%. If all this legislation does is make people feel better, without improving the economy and the stauts of citizens...why are we going to do it?

If it's just feel good legislation, at least be honest about it. It helps a very few people, mostly high school kids, but it makes some legislators feel good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.