Thursday, January 11, 2007

Iraq's New Direction

The President outlined the actions he intends to take in Iraq and the reasons for it. Based upon Senator Durbin's response it appears that the Congressional leadership intends to have Congress talk about the President's intentions and then pontificate about it.

If Senator Durbin and the Congressional leadership feel that it is not in the best interest of the Country, I urge them to take some action. Senator Kennedy suggested cutting off funding for the additional troops. Seems a reasonable approach if one feels strongly that the President's intentions as outlined Wednesday night are wrong.

The voters elected those in Congress to represent them. If Congress think that the voters are against the President's plan and intention, Congress should take the action necessary to stop the President from carrying out his plan.

Hopefully Congress won't just pass a resolution that says that they don't approve of the President's intention for Iraq. It would be as meaningless as passing a resolution: Proclaiming February - National Cheese Month.

Congress by all means deliberate, debate and talk, but follow it up with some intestinal fortitude inspired action.

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